Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Abby Thomas
Language Arts Teacher
Middle School Language Arts
Aliya Fatima
Education Assistant
Middle School Education Assistant
Ann Dalrymple
Middle School Resource
Barbara Cozzi
Education Assistant
Middle School Education Assistant
Brian Berg
Music Teacher
Middle School Music
Brittney Stanford
Math Teacher
Middle School Math
Carly Okray
Middle School Resource
Catherine Magierski
Librarian/Media Specialist
Middle School Librarian/Media Specialist
Cathleen Clarke
Technology Assistant
Middle School Technology Assistant
Chelsea Szafranski
Math Teacher
Middle School Math
Christina Sampras
Education Assistant
Middle School Education Assistant
Christopher Menconi
Education Assistant
Middle School Education Assistant
Cristina Spencer
Middle School Speech Pathologist
Middle School Speech Pathologist
Dana Steinecker
Creative Tech Teacher
Middle School Creative Tech
Denise Huth
French Teacher
Middle School French
Diane Danielczyk
Language Arts Teacher
Middle School Language Arts
Dianne Schiltz
Admin Asst.
Middle School School Admin Asst.
Ellen Dunn
Guidance Counselor
Middle School Guidance Counselor
Erin Terrill
Instructional Coach
Middle School Instructional Coach
Heather Bolur
Math Intervention
Middle School Math Intervention